about us

About Us

At Stoke Earwax Removal Clinic, we are dedicated to providing professional and effective earwax removal services in Stoke-on-Trent.

Our clinic specialises in safe and efficient earwax removal using microsuction with the latest techniques and equipment. We understand that excessive or impacted earwax can cause discomfort and can affect your hearing. That’s why we commit ourselves to providing prompt and effective solutions.


How to Find Us

Located in Butt Lane Pharmacy, our clinic provides convenient access to specialised earwax removal and other healthcare services. We proudly offer pharmaceutical services, travel vaccinations and earwax removal in one place, catering to multiple health needs.


Visit our Stoke Earwax Removal Clinic

We remain patient-focused and offer easy access to a wide range of pharmaceutical and medical supplies. Our staff are friendly, dedicated, and strive to provide accessible high-quality customer and healthcare service. We have a team of consultant travel experts who are able to offer the most up-to-date and tailored advice.

You can speak to a pharmacist straight away to talk through your earwax removal options which means you can book an appointment on the same day at a time that’s convenient for you.

Feel free to get in touch to find out more about us.


Stoke Earwax Removal


Butt Lane Pharmacy Stoke Travel Clinic